How to Clean Outside of House Without Pressure Washer

How To Clean Outside Of House Without Pressure Washer

As a homeowner, you want your house to look clean and inviting. However, cleaning the outside of your house can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have a pressure washer. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to clean the exterior of your home without the need for a pressure washer.

Cleaning the outside of your house is important for several reasons. First, it improves the appearance of your home and enhances its curb appeal. Second, it helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause serious health problems. Third, it protects the exterior of your home from damage caused by dirt and debris.

The main solution to cleaning the outside of your house without a pressure washer is to use homemade cleaning solutions and cleaning techniques. In this article, will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to clean the exterior of your home effectively and safely. So, let’s dive in and discover how to clean outside of house without pressure washer!

Preparing for Cleaning

If you don't have access to a pressure washer, using a garden hose can still help you clean the exterior of your house.
If you don’t have access to a pressure washer, using a garden hose can still help you clean the exterior of your house.

A. Gathering necessary tools and materials

Before starting to clean the outside of your house, you need to gather all the necessary tools and materials. These include a bucket, a scrub brush, a garden hose with a spray nozzle, a ladder (if required), and cleaning solutions. You can make the cleaning solutions at home using ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, and bleach. Alternatively, you can purchase commercial cleaning solutions from your local hardware store.

B. Ensuring safety measures

Cleaning the outside of your house can be risky, especially if you need to climb a ladder to reach high areas. Therefore, it is crucial to take safety measures to avoid accidents. Always wear protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a mask. If you need to use a ladder, make sure it is stable and secure before climbing it. Additionally, avoid cleaning during wet or windy weather conditions as it can make the surface slippery and increase the risk of falling.

C. Identifying the type of stains or dirt

Different types of stains and dirt require different cleaning techniques and solutions. For instance, oil stains require a degreaser, while mold and mildew require a bleach solution. Therefore, it is important to identify the type of stains or dirt on the surface you want to clean before starting. This will help you choose the appropriate cleaning solution and techniques to achieve the best results.

Homemade Cleaning Solutions

Cleaning the outside of a wooden house requires special care to avoid damage to the wood.
Cleaning the outside of a wooden house requires special care to avoid damage to the wood.

Cleaning the exterior of your house does not have to be expensive or complicated. In fact, you can make your own cleaning solutions using simple household items. Here are some homemade cleaning solutions that you can use to clean the outside of your house without a pressure washer:

A. Vinegar and Water Solution

Vinegar is a natural and effective cleaning agent that can be used to clean a variety of surfaces, including the outside of your house. To make a vinegar and water solution, mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the surface you want to clean and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a scrub brush or a cloth to scrub the surface, and rinse it off with water.

B. Baking Soda and Water Solution

Baking soda is another effective cleaning agent that can be used to clean the outside of your house. To make a baking soda and water solution, mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with two gallons of water. Stir the solution until the baking soda dissolves, and then pour it into a bucket. Dip a scrub brush or a cloth into the solution, and use it to scrub the surface you want to clean. Rinse the surface with water.

C. Bleach and Water Solution

Bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can be used to remove stubborn stains and mildew from the outside of your house. To make a bleach and water solution, mix one cup of bleach with one gallon of water. Wear gloves and eye protection when working with bleach, and make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for diluting and using the product. Spray the solution on the surface you want to clean, and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Then, use a scrub brush or a cloth to scrub the surface, and rinse it off with water.

Cleaning Techniques

When it comes to cleaning the exterior of your home, there are several techniques you can use to get the job done effectively. Here are the three most popular cleaning techniques:

A. Scrubbing with a Brush

One of the most effective ways to clean the outside of your house without a pressure washer is by scrubbing it with a brush. This technique allows you to target specific areas that need extra attention, such as stains or dirt buildup. To scrub your home’s exterior, you will need a stiff-bristled brush and a cleaning solution. Dip the brush into the cleaning solution and scrub the surface of your home in a circular motion, working from top to bottom. Rinse the surface thoroughly with a garden hose.

B. Using a Garden Hose

Another effective technique for cleaning the exterior of your home is by using a garden hose. This technique is ideal for removing loose dirt and debris from your home’s exterior. To use a garden hose, start by attaching a spray nozzle to the end of the hose. Adjust the nozzle to the desired pressure and spray the surface of your home in a sweeping motion, working from top to bottom. Be sure to rinse the surface thoroughly to prevent streaks.

C. Utilizing a Pressure Nozzle

While a pressure washer is not necessary to clean the outside of your home, you can achieve similar results by utilizing a pressure nozzle. This technique is ideal for removing stubborn stains or dirt buildup. To use a pressure nozzle, attach it to the end of your garden hose and adjust the pressure to the desired level. Spray the surface of your home in a sweeping motion, working from top to bottom. Be careful not to use too much pressure, as this can damage the surface of your home.

Special Considerations

Cleaning the outside of your house can be challenging, especially when dealing with high surfaces, specific surfaces, and mold and mildew. Here are some special considerations to keep in mind when cleaning the exterior of your home without a pressure washer.

Cleaning High Surfaces

Cleaning high surfaces such as second-story walls and gutters can be dangerous. It’s important to take safety measures to avoid accidents. First, use a sturdy ladder that can support your weight. Second, wear non-slip shoes to prevent slipping. Third, never lean too far to one side as it can cause the ladder to tip over.

To clean high surfaces, use a long-handled brush or a garden hose with a spray nozzle. Spray the surface with water to remove loose dirt and debris. Then, apply a cleaning solution and scrub the surface with a brush. Rinse the surface with water to remove soap residue.

Cleaning Specific Surfaces

Different surfaces require different cleaning methods. For instance, brick surfaces require a gentler cleaning approach than vinyl. Here are some tips on how to clean specific surfaces without a pressure washer.

  • Brick: Use a soft-bristled brush and a cleaning solution made of water and mild detergent. Scrub the surface gently to avoid damaging the brick.
  • Wood: Use a soft-bristled brush and a cleaning solution made of water and vinegar. Scrub the surface gently in the direction of the grain. Rinse with water and let it dry.
  • Vinyl: Use a soft-bristled brush and a cleaning solution made of water and household cleaner. Scrub the surface gently and rinse with water.

Dealing with Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew can be harmful to your health and cause damage to your home. To remove mold and mildew, use a cleaning solution made of water and bleach. Apply the solution to the affected area and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then, scrub the surface with a brush and rinse with water.

Remember to wear gloves and a mask when dealing with mold and mildew to avoid inhaling spores. Also, make sure to dry the area thoroughly to prevent mold from growing back.


In conclusion, cleaning the outside of your house is an important task that should not be overlooked. By using the techniques and homemade cleaning solutions outlined in this article, you can effectively clean the exterior of your home without the need for a pressure washer.

Remember to prepare adequately before cleaning, identifying the type of stains or dirt while ensuring safety measures. Homemade solutions such as vinegar and water, baking soda and water, and bleach and water can be used to clean different types of surfaces.

When cleaning, you can choose to scrub with a brush, use a garden hose, or utilize a pressure nozzle. Be cautious when cleaning high surfaces or specific surfaces such as brick, wood, or vinyl. Additionally, dealing with mold and mildew requires special attention.

Regular maintenance of your home’s exterior is recommended to keep it looking its best. Clean House Guides is a great resource for more information on how to keep your home clean and well-maintained.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can clean the outside of your house effectively and safely, ensuring that it looks its best for years to come.